First I have to start by saying doctors are not infallible. I totally get it! They are human and make mistakes. Depending on their specialty and location can create much stress which can make it easier for human error. I get that too!
A rheumatologist with a private practice is going to have different stress levels and experiences than a trauma surgeon or MDs in an ER setting where things move fast and can be hectic. Not to mention, there is more than one person seeing the patient who can screw things up fast for everyone. Making you pay for it in more ways than one.
Sometimes some pay with their life.
Unscrupulous doctors and the harm they cause
Then there is the unscrupulous doctor who see you as nothing but dollar signs and they did not become a physician for anything other than prestigious name and benefits of title.
I’ve ran into many of those. I can’t tell you if they became that way because they burnt out, or are just naturally horrible people.
But they do indeed exist, and your life and health depend on figuring out who they are immediately. It can save your life, save your family, marriage and children’s wellbeing, and your career if possible.
Yes, all these aspects are dragged through the ringer along with you.
If you are in my site I am sure you are an autoimmune patient or going through a long process of diagnosis that seems eternal and brutal. So you will automatically know all these aspects of life are affected as well.
The last thing you need is to be harmed in secret, intentionally by your so called doctor there to “help” you. Paid to help you I might add!
What you don’t need is to walk into their office to be looked at as a cash cow while they tally the numbers in their heads of their monthly benefits if they can keep you on the patient roll. While adding up in their heads the amounts they think they can gain off of you, from tests, prescriptions, visits.
But there are also the types of doctors who will run with a false and/or misdiagnosis instead of correct diagnosis because a wrong diagnosis is more profitable for them personally.
Close enough is good enough for them. And in my case there was errors via the lab and instead of reporting errors they decide to give that wrong patients diagnosis to me. And harm the other patient in the long run also by not giving them the doctors they needed.
It all starts with an opportunity
If it’s going to happen, it all starts with an opportunity I had to travel to specialists and the travel part and different jurisdictions made it so easy for a doctor to do this to me.
He saw the opportunity and ran with it. It cost me everything but my life. I lived through it. It was brutal. It was painful. It destroyed me financially and harmed me physically. Though my life was miserable for a long time from symptoms he made my life miserable.
It even helped me become visually impaired permanently and caused me an unnecessarily long wait for my real medical needs to be met.
That would be an embolectomy and a proper autoimmune diagnosis and proper treatment.
And with my new knowledge I am going to share what I have learned with other patients, the many that just trust their physicians even that one they suspect is not on their side, But blow it off because we are taught to trust them and think maybe we are being presumptuous or paranoid.. And really I want to trust my physicians. I deserve to trust my physicians. So do you.
But like anyone else we should make sure when the situation can be life altering. And no well meaning physician will tell you otherwise. They don’t mind your questions and wanting to understand as long as they don’t have to give you a thesis every time you go into their office.
Unfortunately, I never trusted my “physicians” through part of my journey. And I never let it go only chalking it up to my worry. I was just incorrect how the harm was being done. I thought self protection of possible mistakes was at play and other aspects. Yet something just didn’t sit right in their behaviour or answers. Every time I brought up certain things they tried to shut me down in with incredible arrogance and surety. They tried to hinder me from getting second opinions and proper referral to other physicians.
It made me trust even less. And pushed me to try to figure it out even more.
But I could not pin what it was they were doing until much later. And when I did WOW!
Sharing the knowledge I have gained the hard way
And with all that knowledge the hard long way while I was just trying to survive I learned so much. And I will freely share with fellow patients how to avoid this and protect themselves or the loved ones they are helping through their health.
I studied and researched. I was exhausted and angry. I had to work and do their jobs when I wasn’t paid to struggle further. At times my brain could’t retain information never mind research to figure it out. I read medical textbooks and learned how to read my CBC’s (Complete blood counts) and my WBC’s (White blood counts). I learned how to read my CANCAs and ANA’s and every lab that was ordered.
I would rather have just gone to bed to heal my body instead, but out was what it was and I wasn’t so lucky. And quite frankly I was shocked when reading medical textbooks. More on that in another post one day…
But all this information was useless to me because I wasn’t paying attention to other details that I was completely missing.
You need to know what to look for, and how to catch errors and intentional “errors” that are flipped for ruthless doctors profit margins!
If you stick around I will have a section in my blog teaching all patients what to look for and what to keep meticulous track of so you can catch them much earlier and save yourself and your families from much misery and unnecessary suffering.
Make no mistake your loved ones also pay a price for harm done. If you can’t do your role as a spouse or parent they go without their needs being met as well.
I know as a patient you are tired and exhausted and in many cases unable to focus but you will have to in order to prevent this if you think something is amiss, or outright wrong in your care.
I can’t go into the details of my case at this time because it is still in the process. And legal can take years as you know. This is not just a civil matter but it is also a criminal matter and you need to take this seriously if it happens to you. I do have a feeling certain things will be quick and other parts the system will fight. Because it will mean a whole can of worms to open because I can’t be the only one. An admission that won’t be welcomed.
But anywho, I felt like I was needing to go to medical school to figure things out which I felt was so unfair being as sick and weak as I was.
So I will lay everything out for you as easily as possible for you to understand in the mini course I will call it. I will share examples of charts, lab results, labeling, doctor notes, nurses notes. I will even show you all the types notes you must literally request to be in your chart they give you.
Yes, they give you a simplified versions not the whole picture unless you specifically ask. You have to request each and every one. I will also teach you this and how to collect them in one batch for each institution and doctor in your care team.
I will share step by step process to keep track of everything and what to look for.
And why innocent doctors notes are important to help you catch the fox in the chicken coop.
I can honestly say, I am happy to help you in this process and like I said this is one hundred percent free for all those who read my blog.
I will never block this content from anyone. It will never be in a paid or member only section of my site or services. Unless of course you ask me for a detailed one on one consultation in any of my topics I discuss in my site.
The good news…
Not every physician does this! Phew. As a matter of fact I think they are generally a rare”ish”occurrence. Though I am sure there are quite a few that just haven’t been caught yet.
Not every doctor will harm you in this way. I’m an idealist and always try to find the best in people. But I am also a realist. My idealist tells me there are good people including doctors with good hearts more than not. My realist tells me always be aware and listen to my intuition.
And with all the information I will share with you, you will know how to catch any medical fraud by your doctor if they do it to you. And also any intent to gain off of your insurance while leaving you in the dust. I will show you what to look for in your medical files and show you how to catch it. So that you can report it and move on toward your journey of diagnosis and healing. All while saving others in the future from a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I’m pretty sure the good doctors out there aren’t going to be against this as they are the ones left to pick up the pieces adding so much work trying to heal what bad ones have added to your health problems. It’s a lot of unesseary work for those who didn’t create the mess. And they are often dragged in to patients anger because of theses unscrupulous doctors I mention.
And really who needs any of this? Neither patient nor honest doctors.
I know I sure didn’t.